Top 5 Energy Foods
When you exercise often, it is important to keep your energy running smoothly. For that, eating the right food is a crucial element of your daily routine.  It can make or break the deal as eating the proper things at the right time is essential for the recovery of your body after an extensive workout. Apart from this, what you consume before you head to the gym depends a lot on the strength and power of your body. So to balance the glucose concentration and boost up the energy levels, we at Everbuild Nutrition made a list of The Top 5 foods that you must consume at least 1 hour before workout. Read on to know more about them.


Having the proper amount of sugar before a workout can help you improve your performance. No, this is not an invitation to all those chocolate treats that are packed with Trans fats - you’re looking for the natural kind of sugar! Grab a handful of blueberries and enjoy a sweet pre-workout snack. What makes these delicious fruits so good for exercising is that they’re complex carb, which helps you boost the energy levels right before a workout, so you can enjoy your time spend in the gym to the maximum. Last but not least, blueberries can improve your focus and improve your brain activity. 

Almond butter

Let’s be honest, the moment you hear almond butter, you know that it will be tasty. But that's not all! Did you know that almond butter is rich in calcium, protein, and it’s packed with healthy fats? Although peanut butter is much more popular, almond butter contains higher amounts of Vitamin E and iron. Don't fall for unhealthy snacks when you lack the energy, follow our advice and reach the maximum of your workout. The perfect pre-workout snack consists of few spreads of almond butter on apple slices, celery sticks, and you are set for your visit to the gym. 

Dry fruits

For a fast and easy good pre-workout snack, mix some dried berries, apricots, or pineapples. Dried fruits are an amazing source of easily digestible simple carbohydrates. They could also boost your energy instantly and are loaded with easily digestible carbs and proteins. Last but not least, dried fruits are an excellent source of antioxidants and could boost your natural defense against free radicals. Be careful when you buy prepacked dried fruits, because often they are full of added sugar, so it's important to read the label.
Chia seeds

Chia is one of the best pre-workout meals to boost your energy before you visit the gym. It has many benefits for the body, including better muscle development and faster recovery. Chia seeds contain a high amount of proteins and magnesium, and this makes them the perfect solution when you feel tired. Most importantly chia seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids and consuming them 1-2 hours before a workout can help you provide natural antioxidants to the body, which mop up the free radicals produced in the body by hard exercise. 


Filled with complex carbohydrates to deliver slow-release energy, oatmeal is one of the most popular pre-workout foods. They come in various shapes and forms, including wholegrain, steel-cut, Scottish oats, etc.  Eat plain or add different toppings, such as fruits or jam, oatmeal’s are incredibly easy to make and inexpensive. For a better energy kick, we advise you to add a scoop of protein powder. You will feel the difference, and your workout will be at its maximum. Oatmeal’s are packed with important vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

Everbuild Nutrition