Fasting - the perfect addition to your regime (Part 2)
Intermittent fasting or the so-called fasting is a method of weight loss, improves overall health, and serves as a detox to the body. It also has a beneficial effect on active athletes because it activates muscle growth and stimulates weight loss.
Part of the regime we discussed in Part 1, now it's time for a stricter fasting regime.

48-hour fasting is an intake of up to 500-600 calories a day. This regime is quite strict, but on the other hand, increases growth hormone by up to 5 times. The reason for this is the ketone bodies that were formed during starvation, which send signals to your brain, and it accordingly activates the processes.
48-hour fasting is a strict regime that gives visible results. The growth hormone, which causes two days of fasting, helps maintain lean muscle mass and reduces the accumulation of fat. The hormone strengthens health by helping the cardiovascular system to function normally.

The 54-hour regimen, again requiring an intake of 500-600 calories, has many health benefits. This long fasting mode activates AMPK and inhibits mTOR activity. This starts to happen when you significantly deplete your glucose stores and your insulin levels start to drop. By starving you stimulate muscle growth and fat burning.
In addition to activating the process of autophagy, 58-hours of starvation reduce insulin. In this way, you develop insulin sensitivity and limit your chances of diabetes as well as the development of chronic diseases.

72-hours of fasting are a diet with up to 500-600 calories per day. It leads to the breakdown of old immune cells and the generation of new ones. During this period you will burn a significant amount of fat. The best benefit for athletes is the process of muscle growth, which increases many times. This mode will bring you the dream figure much sooner than expected. Scientists claim that fasting for more than 48 hours, in addition to burning fat, significantly reduces the aging process. So what are you waiting for? Start with starvation, it is useful.