The myth about carbohydrates and sugars
Most people believe that eating carbohydrates and sugars is a major cause of overweight, diabetes, cardiovascular and oncological diseases. But is this really true?

What are carbohydrates and sugars?

Carbohydrates are sugars composed of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. There are 2 types of sugars (carbohydrates): complex and simple.

Simple sugars (monosaccharides) are glucose, fructose, and galactose. Complex sugars (disaccharides and polysaccharides) are the chains of related simple sugars.

The body is adapted to use substances only in their simplest form. Therefore, all complex carbohydrates should be decomposed to simple. Of simple sugar, glucose is the most massive compound in nature. It is the main fuel for our organism, it feeds every human cell's energy, moves the immune system and feeds brain activity. In nature, the products with the most easily digestible sugars are fruits and vegetables. Their consumption is also the fastest way to inject the necessary glucose or fructose into the cells, so the body does not consume almost any energy for their absorption and the digestive system is not burdened.

Products with complex sugars in nature are mainly cereal and bean foods rich in starch, and products with simple sugars are fruits and vegetables. Carbohydrate foods carry energy, supply all the nutrients needed for the body like proteins, essential oils, vitamins, and minerals. These foods are appetizing, tasty and satiating. Athletes consume large amounts of carbohydrates to meet the need for the calories they burn.

One of the myths about carbohydrates is that eating them in large amounts leads to obesity. But between the calories taken by the carbohydrates and the calories taken by the proteins and fats, there is a big difference.

First, calories in carbohydrate foods are considerably less than animal feeds and various oils and oils (olive oil, caramel, pumpkin, sesame, etc.). Consuming carbohydrate foods does not lead to obesity and their calories do not accumulate as a supply of energy.

When consuming more carbohydrate foods, one feels satisfied and chewy and does not think about the next meal. While consuming animal feeds and fats, even in large quantities, the need for glucose in the cage is not met. Very soon the body signals that there is a lack of energy and we are again hungry. Consuming animal feeds also leads to fat consumption (one of its components), which leads to the accumulation of kilograms.

Secondly, it is widespread that sugar in carbohydrates is immediately converted into fat stored around the waist, thighs, buttocks. The truth is that after the consumption of carbohydrate foods follows a process of decomposition of complex sugars to simple.

Simple sugars are absorbed into the blood, then distributed to trillions of cells throughout the body, supplying them with energy. If you consume larger amounts of carbohydrates than you need, they will be stored in the muscles and the liver as glycogen (stock) for future energy. If this dose of energy and stock is exceeded, the remainder will be burnt in the form of body heat. This process is called thermogenesis.

The conversion of carbohydrates into fat is a process called dehenipologenesis. Some animals, for example, use this process to turn cereals and green plants into fat and bees to form wax.

In humans, this process is not performed under normal conditions. If everyone makes a chemical analysis of their fat cells, they will find that with what fat they eat, they are also fatty structures. That is, the fact that is consumed is the fat the body carries. If more animal products, oil (olive oil, sesame, pumpkin, etc.), margarine, nuts, and others are consumed, the human body will contain the fat that comes from these foods.

In a study in 1979 by the Food Science and Human Nutrition Department at Michigan State University, 16 medium-sized college boys were tested for 8 weeks. Without changing the diet that they had so far, 8 of them were added 12 slices of white bread to the daily menu and the other 8 slices of whole grain.

A slice of bread contains an average of between 50 and 70 calories. After these eight weeks, the first group lost 6,26 kg and the second group was 8,77 kg. The bread they consumed in addition to the menu has spontaneously reduced the consumption of meat, dairy products and oil (olive oil, Charlene, sesame, pumpkin, etc.).

This is a natural process of glucose uptake. Additionally, the cholesterol level of all 16 boys decreased by 2.8 to 4.4 mmol / l. This means that carbohydrates are not responsible for the obesity of many people in developed countries!

Another myth about carbohydrates is that their consumption, especially in the form of sweet fruits, causes problems with blood sugar such as diabetes and hypoglycemia; favors the candidate, chronic fatigue, and even causes cancer. In fact, this can only happen if large amounts of fat are consumed.

Carbohydrates + Fat = Diabetes.

Fruits do not cause problems in the body, but excess fat.

Most experts recommend foods with a low glycemic index to avoid overloading the pancreas, and since the index of most sweet fruits is high, they are excluded from the diet. But the glycemic index actually shows how fast carbohydrates are converted into blood sugar, but at the same time, it does not give information about how much carbohydrates and fiber there is in the diet. For this purpose, there is another type of indicator that most accurately determines how foods affect blood glucose.

This is the glycemic load. Therefore, foods with a high glycemic index have a medium or low glycemic load. Bananas, for example, have a glycemic index of 52 but a glycemic load of 27. Most fruits have a low glycemic load and this does not in any way disturb the blood sugar levels. When fruits are consumed fresh and whole, they quickly break down and enter the blood, but also quickly charge the cells with fuel. However, this is only provided that we eat minimal amounts of fat.

The mechanism that causes high blood sugar is very simple. When large amounts of fats are consumed, the fat itself covers the walls of the blood vessels, the insulin receptors of the cell, the sugar molecule itself, and insulin.

This fat in the blood is an obstacle to the absorption of sugar. As a result, blood sugar rises. Diabetic patients of type 2, when they turn off fat and consume more fresh fruits and vegetables, quickly manage to regulate their blood sugar. The same fat mentioned above is a prerequisite for increasing the levels of e-Coli bacteria as well as for atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.

The only one in the world, the most in-depth study of which foods are best for humans and how they affect health, has lasted more than 40 years. It is described in detail in the book "The Chinese Study". More than 6,500 families in 65 countries are surveyed and surveyed.

The head, professor Dr. Colin Campbell, proves that in order to be healthy and in complete harmony, the human organism must eat mainly vegetal food - fruits, vegetables, grains and beans, and a minimum quantity of seeds and nuts of 80% carbohydrates, 10% protein, and 10% fat. Society suffers from too much redundancy and greed, which leads to body deficiencies and a number of illnesses.

To provide health and energy to your organism, you could do a brief healing experiment with foods rich in carbohydrates and exclude foods that are rich in fat and protein.
For 20 days, exclude foods such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, all kinds of oils - olive oil, sesame, pumpkin, and other oils, avocados, olives, nuts, seeds. Reduce salt (or turn it off completely).

Let your menu consist of larger quantities of well-matured sweet fruits, vegetables (especially leafy vegetables), steamed vegetables, grains, and legumes. Eat to the full!

Include moderate workouts that will also aid the healing effect of this experiment. So in just three weeks, you will feel the changes in your health, your emotions, your overall tone, and vigor. And you will prove to yourself and others that not carbohydrates are the cause of overweight and a number of diseases. In this way, the myths will be debunked once again, and this personally by you.