Water retention?
A serious problem that people are always concerned about is water retention - that is, a subcutaneous fluid that makes your appearance look smooth and puffy.

The most popular solution among athletes for dealing with water is the use of diuretics. However, this creates a number of problems. For example, the muscles themselves are made up of more than 75% water, so losing too much water just makes the muscles shrink. Another problem is that diuretics wash away the electrolytes from the body - the mineral substances that are essential for the optimal muscle contraction.

After using diuretics, many people feel weak, and they look smaller, and they get cramps - sometimes very heavy.

But lots of people nowadays trust diuretics and use them to help clean the water retention. Be sure to consult a doctor before you start taking this kind of supplements.

How do we keep less water and healthy?

How to solve the problem of water retention? First, look at what the body does with the water. The more water you drink, the more your body ejects the excess urine.

During this process, excess minerals such as sodium, for example, are removed from the body. If, on the other hand, limit your intake of water, your body immediately begins to retain as much fluid as possible to prevent dehydration. Simply put, the more water you drink, the less water you hold - the less you drink, the more water you hold!

There is more water in the body than any other element. The muscles are made mainly of water. Fats, on the other hand, contain very little water. When the body turns the carbohydrates into stored glycogen, the glycogen is bound to water in almost a triple the amount of its mass, which is a fairly large volume.

Therefore, the inappropriate elimination of water causes the muscles to shrink, which is not a good way to prepare for winning a championship.
What to do with water retention (exhausted)?

1. Avoid foods that contain high amounts of sodium.

2. Keep your blood sugar level steady. Do not be too hungry or crawl. Too much food will raise your blood sugar level and cause your body to hold water.

3. Let your body sweat normally during exercise. There is a lot of water lost in training. The same goes for aerobic exercises, such as running or cycling.

4. Do not rely too much on the steam bath or sauna to lose water. This way you can reduce the amount of water in your body, but you will also lose your body if you overdo it.

Remember that sweat is not just water - it also removes many mineral substances. Adopting a multi-mineral nutritional supplement after a heavy workout should be part of your general supplement program.

5. Include in your exercise program as many outdoor activities as possible to give the sun the opportunity to "evaporate" excess water from your body. Do not forget, however, to drink lots of fluids to replace what you have lost with your sweat.